Tuesday, May 26, 2009

When it is Quiet

For the most part we stayed at home this holiday weekend! We did visit Shane's family church for homecoming, the kids were WORN OUT! We also started seriously potty training with Brian. He enjoys using the big potty and his reward is easy enough, FLUSHING the TOILET. All was going great, every 30 minutes the timer would go off and he knew it was time to do business, until they went to bed for the night. Shane went in to check on them because they were being TOOOO quiet and their it began, Brian was completely naked. We took care of the situation with no loving so he knew we meant BUSINESS. The next night, on a whelm, I went in to check on them, Brian was just sitting their loving on his pillows, when Bralee popped up holding a diaper... it was Brian's he had taken the diaper off and redressed himself. One the other end of the spectrum, Bralee is a complete COPY CAT, we should nickname her MOCKINGBIRD, she imitates every facial and body gesture, she can carry on a real candid conversation with her hands.

By all means it takes patients to go through the daily life with multiples, but Brian takes a special kind of patience that is hard to come by.
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  1. Avary hasn't quite figured out how to get her clothes off. She pulls up on her pants instead of down. I dread the day she figures it out because running around naked is her favorite thing before bath time. Never a dull moment with a toddler.
