Monday, October 12, 2009

Rainy Monday

Today was so horrible, I have no pictures to post, only words. It was rainy, all day. The kids have school on Monday's, but not all day, just 3 1/2 hours. Well on the way, busy Monday morning traffic, Brian decides I was not paying enough attention to him and hit me up side the head with a half full/half empty sippy cup. Needless to say, it hurt and I was in total shock. If traffic and road conditions would not have been in bad shape, he may have been in more trouble than he was.

Well, during there whopping 3 1/2 hours, I relaxed. Which was a good thing. I walked them out of school, still pouring the rain. Good thing I parked under the awning. I placed Bralee in her seat, unfastened. I placed Joseph in his seat and buckled him in. In the midst of doing both of these 2 things, I put my keys in the front drivers seat and Brian went around to the front drivers side as well. After securing Joseph, I closed the door, told Brian to close the door and get in the back, only he could not, nor could I get in the car... he locked us both out of the car and the other 2 in the car. But remember, Bralee was not fastened in her seat. I had to coach Bralee to unlock the door, which she did.


  1. Oh man - I've had days like that. Thank goodness Bralee wasn't buckled up!

  2. Wow! I need a nap after reading that. Hope you have a better day.
