Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sleep Study

This is what Bralee is doing to her pacifier's

Okay, I have discussed Brian and his odd sleeping, or lack their of, issues. He is the only one that is not in a toddler bed. I guess he thought he would make himself one. He has turned the bottom of the closet into a bed. His bed.

A couple of days ago, Shane and I decided to de-clutter closets. We moved all the diapers from their closet to the hall closet. Their shoe tub out from underneath the bed and put it in the closet. The shoe tub is now Brian’s bed.

On the other hand when you open up the hall closet, you now have to worry about being buried in diapers, pull ups and wipes. Instead of the usual blankets, sheets and pillow cases.

Brian had his sleep study. It went fine. The most pain free and stress free (if you do not have sensory input/texture issues) test you could ever have preformed. I warned them to bring help to put all those sticky things on him. Luckily they listened. Brian did not eve let me put on his admission bracelet. Therefore the Doritos bag wore it.

The technician came in and said ‘we will start with the ankles first, that way it will be easier.’ I thought to myself, yeah right, the kid will not even let me touch his feet, he hates his feet to be touched unless he initiates it. That did it, Brian started screaming, grabbing at the technician, and pinching. We decided to keep moving with placing the probes. I knew, no matter what, it would not be any better or easier.

Bottom line, all went well…he slept, as he was intended to. They woke us at 5am. They de-corded him. He told them bye.

Joseph is starting to “think” he is ruler of the bedroom. Now that he is in a toddler bed, he controls the TV, lights, and radio. He would also rather be in his room more than any where else.
Bralee is attached to the chairs. She has come to realize that if something is out of reach it is ok.

She goes gets a chair. Carries it back to the destination (no matter how far that may be) and she will climb to get into anything her heart desires…anything. Great for problem solving. Not so great for the childproofing aspect. I am considering contacting the local fast food restaurants and asking about bolting all chairs into the floor.

On the other hand, I have been getting together some photos for a family member for a Christmas gift. My oh my, I cannot believe how much the kiddies have changed.

Bralee has went through some great and some really bad hair phases.

Brian’s biggest changes have been in his face.

Joseph, it is really odd, he has not changed very much.

All my photos are “semi” organized on cd’s. When I say “semi” I do mean semi. If anyone has some ideas on how I can organize these photos and get them stored please tell me. I would rather start now and not wait and play catch up at 4 and 5 years old.

I am on the verge of throwing the keyboard out the window. My rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr button is stuck. That is fine, but not when you never realized how many words contain the letter “R” and you are stuck hitting delete more than actually typing. I will be purchasing a new keyboard on my trip to Wal-Mart.

1 comment:

  1. My page up/down buttons are sticky. So is my m.

    I can't believe he was able to sleep with all the stuff on him! I don't know if I could do it. I'm also surprised they were able to get all that stuff on him if he does have sensory issues! Wow. It must have been a lot of work.

    I use Memory Manager for organzing all my photos/videos. It's a Creative Memories software program. Here's a link to it: It's easy enough to use. I back-up once a month onto an external hard drive. (Okay, my husband does it, but still.)

    Uh... what else?

    Oh yeah - posting videos to blogger is easy - you can upload right to blogger - there's a little icon, you just have to make sure the file size is small enough. Also? you should be able to post a youtube/flickr video, but that always takes me longer to figure out.
