Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hair, What to do?

I know, it looks like Bralee has a full head of hair, but, no. Her hair is thin. I wish it would grow longer, but in time, I suppose. The thickness, I am guessing I should be glad it is not.
He has his horse all tucked away for the ride!

Brian, after a great haircut! He has only had maybe 2 complete haircuts. With his Sensory Input issues haircuts are always horrible. You can go in expecting and really needing to get it cut, to come out with maybe one snip around the ear or at the crown cut. I love this photo of Brian with his hair and REALLY regretted ever getting his hair cut in the first place. We are now just going to let it grow.

Between the 2 photos you can really see how much a haircut can change a person. I love his look both ways, but I really like his hair longer.

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